We are a dynamic, team oriented, currently small service company, hiring for a part time, possibly full time, office manager position that provides other essential help in growing our company and helping manage our day to day operations.
For this position, we need a person in our office that is located right next to Tigard High School. Ideally for us, this person would start at 7:30a ish M-F opening the office and making sure our service team is up and running and out the door by 8a ish. We would like the day position to wrap up around 12:30 or so but could be full time if it works for both parties.
We need and are looking for:
1. Great, fun, hard working, self motivated, person who wants to be part of our success and benefit from our hard work and our results
2. Person with good office and software skills. We use a CRM and Excel and Word type programs all the time. You would be the person answering our incoming calls.
3. A person who loves growth and can accept some chaos and help manage/improve the challenges that comes with growth.
4. Likes the idea of helping us grow and transitioning into different roles that YOU prefer/enjoy as we grow and hire more specialized teammates.
We provide a team of good people, an office environment with 2 offices and large warehouse, reasonable pay, some paid holidays off. Our intent is to provide insurance and retirement as we grow and obtain decent profitability.
Our company was just founded June 2024 and we already have 4 service companies under our corporate umbrella. We are experienced business people that have run the finances of a billion dollar company, started and successfully sold another service company, owned rental properties, and a lot of Wall Street experience at a high level. We think we are fun and we want a "work hard, play hard" environment meaning we need to work while at work and work needs to get completed but we also take, and create, moments to have fun and enjoy. We respect and want, and help, our teammates to enjoy their personal lives as much as possible. We support our teammates the best we can and we appreciate the same. Wanting good for each other and our company is important. We are an equal opportunity employer and proud of our diverse team of great people.
happyplanetsw.com is one of our companies. We are just wrapping up our holiday light install season. We service residential, commercial, and governmental clients.
Thank you and Happy New Year!