Looking for part time employment to put a little cash in your pocket? Interested in working on a beautiful state park? Look no further, Better Than Services is where you want to be. We are looking to train a few chosen individuals to become cleaning professionals on the beloved Fort Worden State Park. You will learn how to maintain and service all things involved in the upkeep of households, art studios, event halls and office spaces.
Work days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Start time can vary, but usually occurs around 9:00 am. Each work day is 6-8 hours long. Compensation is $18.50/Hour, plus $50/month phone stipend and a Discovery Pass for 1 vehicle for use on campus. You will need the use of your phone and vehicle for this position.
If this piques your interest, contact Better Than Services with an inquiry (resume attached if available). We look forward to hearing from you.
-Johnathon Wiese
Better Than Services
Port Townsend, WA 98368