We are a small independent truck dealership in Henrico's near west end looking to fill a position for numerous small tasks. Job would start as part-time but if the situation calls for more hours, full-time is an easy option.
Hours are flexible
Pay is flexible and split between salary and commission
Knowledge in social media/advertising a huge plus
Applicant will need a decent driving record and drivers license
Male, female, veterans all welcome
Reliable transportation to and from work a must
Example of tasks would include;
Taking pictures and writing descriptions for trucks to sell
Marketing vehicles online to potential customers
Obtaining a sales license ( we can help you through this process, its easy )
Meeting customers in person to show vehicles and answer basic questions about the transaction
Opening and closing (locking up) location on some days (Open at 9am, close at 3pm)
We are currently closed on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Closed most holidays. But if the right candidate would like to work during those days or has more preferable hours, both can be adjusted.
This job would be perfect for someone looking to use their online skills to help grow a small sales business into more than it currently is. If you are retired and looking for a way to earn extra money ( salary plus commission) or if you are new to the workforce and looking for a way to get in the door and develop your skills. Not sure you are the right candidate? Give me a call and we can discuss.