Security firm is seeking a full/part time payroll specialist, customer service and data entry candidate. The person must be accurate, able to multi-task and have excellent keyboarding skills together with understanding core math, oral and written English. Experience using today's computer technology is mandatory. The candidate will be trained on our proprietary computer systems. You will be dealing with clients directly with emails, telephone and helping with a variety of questions regarding their payroll, etc. Your schedule will be 8 hours Monday and Tuesday with the rest of the week when you are available. Promotion to full time is possible depending on business conditions and your performance.
Candidates commute should NOT EXCEED 7 MILES FROM CHATSWORTH.
Our employees are important to us and usually receive regular wage increases and bonuses (quarterly). Many prior candidates are supervisors today. The work environment is casual and friendly. We have private facilities for breaks and lunch. The office has hospital grade air filtration for safety. Starting wage is based on education, experience and ability. We will do a complete background examination.