Vacancy caducado!
I am looking for a self motivated grower to operate a good T3 farm with hoops and an indoor operation.
The expectation would be that the grower is the lead laborer on the farm and will mostly solely run the farm. This means it would be 7 days a week to at least go in and check in on the indoor over the weekend.
The job would have strong performance bonuses on indoor production and the outdoor crop. We will bring in teams of people to plant and harvest and one person to help with the light deping that will need to be done in the early morning.
The job will pay $3000 a month and have annual performance bonuses of $40,000 a month making the total pay of $76,000 a month. Should the grower perform over two year an equity steak of 10% will be awarded.
Please respond with your growing experience.
502 growing experience is required.
Vacancy caducado!