We will, unfortunately, be losing our long term farm mechanic in a few weeks and seek a knowledgeable replacement. We produce hay and blueberries and are irrigated so the work revolves around servicing and repairing tractors, swather, baler and trucks as well as ancilliary equipment and fixing the occasional center pivot or broken line.
Never a dull moment during the season but a bit slow through the winter when plowing and work in the heated shop and loading out the big bales of hay is on the agenda. Our current wrenchturner likes to run swather and baler during the summer to get a break from the shop so knowledge of haying would be a plus although not required. Our farm is located 25 miles NW of Spokane in a lovely spot along the Spokane River. We have housing available for the right person. Obviously good mechanical skills and experience are a must and some welding will be needed as well. I know mechanicing is tough and it must get old always looking at all the broken stuff but a good attitude sure makes to day go easier.
We are seeking that mythical creature, the happy mechanic. Hoping it's not too much to ask!