Parts counter / accessories / gear sales person / helper
We are in need of parts counter help, accessory sales, shipping, recieving help, and gear / clothing sales help. We carry motorcycles, atvs, watercraft, and everything that goes with them in the summer. We are busy year round because we also carry snowmobiles, & snowbikes in the wintertime. We use Lightspeed Dealer management system for our computer system. We are looking for self motivated people who are organized. We are a Honda, Yamaha, KTM, Suzuki and BRP full line Dealership. We are looking for full time employment. We are looking for parts department people that are: punctual, responsible, personable, and committed. A parts person should have computer skills, motorcycle, and retail experience is helpful. I-90 Motorsports is busy year round. We have been open since 1988 in the same Seattle area location. If you like motorsports and want a fun place to work let us know!
We are open Tuesday through Saturday 10-6. We have parts, and accessories for Watercraft, Motorcycles, side by sides, Can Am Spyders, and Snowmobiles. We are a Motorsports enthusiast's store. We currently expanding and have great potential for growth within our 2 stores.
Please reply via email with an attached resume, as well as a cover letter, about yourself and related interests, or hobbies.
Please email your resume and cover letter to [email protected]
stop by / call in with your info