Solicitation of Construction Contractors for Pre-Qualification list
to Rehabilitate Housing
Lynchburg Community Action Group, Inc. (Lyn-CAG) is soliciting interested construction contractors
to submit qualifications to participate in Lyn-CAG Housing Rehabilitation Programs.
To be considered, all contractors must submit the following information. Contractor Classification
(A, B or C) with Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) number; Contractor
Designation(s) (BLD, SVC-HIC, ELE, PLB, etc.); proof of HUD/EPA Lead Safe training completion;
proof of minimal insurance ($100,000 property; $300,000 bodily injury) Workman's Comp; two
references from recent rehabilitation projects, list of frequently used subcontractors; and bank
and materials supplier references to establish credit record. All references should include a name
and a telephone number and/or email address. Deadline for submission: May 1, 2025
Contractors that successfully pre-qualify will be oriented by Program Manager and will be able to
bid on moderate Rehabilitation projects, and Weatherization projects.
Small, Women-and Minority-owned Businesses and contractors with disabilities are encouraged to
submit their qualifications.
Send information to:
Donald Alexander/Weatherization Program Manager Lynchburg Community Action Group, Inc.
300 12th Street
Lynchburg, Virginia 24504
Phone: 434 455-1601 ext. 207
Fax: 434 845-1547