Crew Members Needed @ Olympia Landscape Development Inc. (San Antonio)
Looking for motivated and efficient crew members for Olympia Landscape Development Inc. in the San Antonio area. Starting pay at $14.00 p/h based on experience as a crew member.
Must be knowledgeable in handling mowing equipment, weed eaters, Blowers and other hand held landscape tools.
Landscape installation and lawn maintenance experience is preferred. Must be able to tolerate South Texas heat since all job duties are performed outdoors. Please call numbers below for an application and Interview.
La Empresa Olympia Landscape Development Inc busca trabajadores para el area de jardineria, mantenimiento de pasto commercial y trabajos de landscape. Personas interesadas tienen que tener especialidad con todo tipo de equipo commercial. Favor de hablar a los números para una cita de aplicación con entrevista.
Requirements: Texas Driver License or Texas ID required
1. Oscar Mora - 210-569-2638
2. Jesus Chavez - 956-237-6457