Our construction company needs Experienced Painters, Experienced Carpenters, and Trim Carpenters to help staff the upcoming projects. We are looking for workers with experience in painting, plumbing, maintenance, sheet rock, roofs, framing, tape, float, texture, and trim. WE REQUIRE THAT YOU HAVE YOUR OWN TOOLS AND RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION.
Responsibilities include:
performing duties assigned by Supervisor,
carry materials and supplies from truck to the job site,
maintain shop equipment to ensure that it stays in good working order
clean up job site at the end of the day (no trash is to be left on site)
follow instructions
measure and cut lumber to desired specifications
Skills needed:
willingness to learn and get along with other employees
ability to complete work on time and on budget with minimal supervision
ability to work in all weather conditions
advanced organization skills
good verbal skills
Email [email protected] for an interview or please come by office at 216 S. Main St., Copperas Cove to fill out application. Must be able to present a current photo ID.