Need assistant to coach and assist in building new WEBSITE that is resemblent to a Craigslist format with a touch of eBay. The foundation work is complete. Incorporated, tax and EIM numbers registered, Domain name and hosting complete. I am at implementation.
I have built my own website for my novel but WP & WOOCOMMERCE are beyond my navigational skills. This is a Contract Labor project initially but is likely and probable to evolve into a lucrative full time position if desired and proven. As the project gets going - I will need a right hand next to me.
Follow very closely. There is NO DESIGN WORK INVOLVED needed or required. You MUST HAVE experience with WP and WOOCOMMERCE. This is strictly a nuts and bolts, plug and play, grunt and bust project. Fancy-dancy won't cut it with me. I work on the K.I.S.S. principle.You must be able to follw orders and not wander off the designated path.
This position is open for local Texas residents ONLY Off shore persons and those from New York, California or other third world countries will NOT receive consideration.