Looking for the right employee to fill a morning cleaning position.
Job duties include
Cleaning restrooms
Sweep, mop, and vacuuming
Trash collection
Other general cleaning
Work hours
Monday-Sunday 12AM-7AM
Other requirements
Has experience doing janitorial work Or
Does not have experience, but willing to be trained and
Works well with a group
Interested applicants may contact Daniel (281)541-3959 o Luis (713) 598-8957
Leave a message with name and contact information
Trabajador De limpieza general
Buscando el empleado adecuado para llenar un puesto de limpieza de noche.
Los trabajos de limpieza incluyen
Limpieza de banos
Barrer ,aspirar
limpieza general
usar una maquina de LAVAR SCRUBBER
Horas de trabajo
Lunes A Domingo