Please Read: (do not call…text only please). Text messages sent without a detailed description as requested below will not receive a reply. Phone calls will not receive a reply.
Hiring outdoor laborer (Portland/ Aransas area)
offered in person
Hiring a hard-working outdoor laborer for work in San Patricio/ Aransas County area. Need able bodied worker who can work in the summer heat that’s coming.
Join a hard working but productive and fun team. We aren’t looking to just hire a body. We want a good fit for our job and team which I’m sure you can appreciate and respect. We prefer to interview first.
Please send a detailed description via text message. In the description please describe yourself, your experience and the type of work you prefer. (don’t call because we are working and will conduct interviews over the next week). Text messages can be sent to 361413909(one) and we may need a few days to get back to you to review all candidates.