We are hiring part-time and full-time housekeepers or Housekeeper teams for our office on South Broadway island we are a busy professional property and vacation rental management company south padre trips
The position offers somewhat flexible hours, although it is an absolute requirement that you are available on Sundays and Mondays from 11 AM to 4 PM the rest of the days are very flexible
We pay on average $20 per hour and provide all cleaning supplies. You must have transportation and you will be an employee. We are not seeking cleaning companies because we use employees for this service to maintain the highest quality possible cleaning a variety of homes and condos on the island.
This is not seasonal work and we offer year-round employment
Please apply in person with Cindy at our front desk at the office which is located at 2600 Padre blvd across the street from the kraken bar and Grill southpadre trips between 9:15 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. The office is closed from 12 noon to 1 PM for lunch.
No experience is necessary we can train
Questions please call 956 242 0904 Monday through Friday and speak with Cindy