Help is needed in packaging our product in preparation for orders. We sell empty bottles and closures in the veterinary industry. Product begins packaged in bulk boxes, and we pack them down into labeled individual kits. Our most common item is an oral medication kit that consists of four different pieces in one bag, and then that bag gets packed into bags of 12. These items are taken home to be packed. You would come to our location to pick up the load, take it home and package everything, bring it back to exchange for another load. We pay by the bottle, ten cents per bottle. For example, if you pick up and return a load of 3000 bottles, it would be $300. People will typically make $15/hr or more once they establish a good pace. It is best to be local to the Cedar Park/Leander area and have a van/SUV/truck to make this the most cost efficient. This is ideal for stay at home parents, college/high school students with abnormal schedules, retired, disabilities, etc., but anybody can do it. It just needs to be neat and accurate. Home needs to be smoke free. We ask that you bring back a load at least once every 3 weeks, but it can be every week if you would like a higher workload. This is contract work with a 1099 at end of year.
Step by Step Overview:
Pick up a load
Label all small and large (12-pack) bags
Fill all small bags with one of each of the four different pieces
Fill all large bags with 12 completed small bags
Pack large bags into master cases (quantity per case varies by bottle size)
Return load, get paid, and take home/restock your supplies for the next load