Siteworks is looking for motivated individuals to install storm pipe, water, and sewer as part of our utilities teams. Applicants can expect to operate equipment in order to facilitate placement of storm drains, water and sewer. Preference will be given to applicants with experience as a pipe layer, a valid driver’s license, and clean driving record.
Job Description:
Applicants for the pipe layer position will have the opportunity to work on one of our utilities or storm drain crews installing storm systems, water systems and sewer systems. Applicants should have a working knowledge of storm drain, sewer and water installation procedures.
Applicants may be expected to grout storm drain boxes, set lids and fit tongue and groove RCP. Applicants will be expected to install bell restraints and Megalugs as well as trim pipe to size and tie into existing sewer and water. Applicants will be required to assist supervisor in getting pipe on grade and in the trench. We request that applicants be flexible as they may be asked to perform tasks unrelated to pipe installation from time to time.
Required Skills:
Ability to install Megalugs or bell restraints.
Ability to install and grout storm drain and sewer boxes.
Ability to set lids on storm drain and sewer boxes.
Ability to place pipe in trench.
Ability to assist supervisor in placing pipe on grade.
Ability to assist supervisor in tie-ins to storm, water and sewer.
Equipment operating skills is a plus
Compensation will be based on experience and performance