Do you love to renovate crappy old houses?
Does your wife tell you to shut up as you describe your latest feat of carpentry?
Are you motivated by the challenge of a difficult or overwhelming project?
Would you work for free because you love fixing old houses?
If you answered yes to these questions, please consider joining our team. We love this stuff too.
We are seeking one highly skilled, dedicated mechanic to help us transform run down houses into solid homes for new families.
We will not train you how to fix a house from top to bottom. You will need to possess these skills in order to be considered for the position. We will train you on our system for getting things done.
You will not be supervising a crew, you will be doing the actual work. We work very hard to keep you (the highly skilled craftsman) doing only highly skilled work.
We sub out demo, framing, drywall, painting, roofing, siding and all the major trades. You should, however, be proficient in all these trades, especially plumbing and electric.
Our goal is to prepare these houses for their new owners. When we are done, the house should be a great asset for the new owner. No time bombs, no on-going issues. We want clean home inspection reports and happy customers.
Steady, year round work. Good pay. Looking for long term employee.
Interested applicants should reply with the following information:
Years in carpentry
Number of houses your have personally renovated
Why you are perfect for this position
Thanks for your time, let’s get to work!