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Summary THIS IS A NATIONAL GUARD TITLE 32 EXCEPTED SERVICE POSITION. The National Guard is the oldest component of the Armed Forces of the United States. Since the earliest American colonial days, citizens have joined together for collective defense. We have a proud tradition of coming to the aid of our friends and neighbors in times of serious emergencies. Join our National Guard team and serve your nation, your states and your community! Responsibilities Position Description # D1951000 This position is located in the Air National Guard, Logistics Readiness Squadron, Materiel Management Flight, Customer Support Liaison Element, within the Customer Support Section. Description of Duties: (1) Manages the unserviceable asset listing and awaits for disposition instructions from the Air Logistic Centers and Item Managers, etc. Assists customers with the preparation of AF Form 1996s and coordinates with the GLSC for adjusted stock level requests. Coordinates with the GLSC regarding the computed data for base stock levels including Readiness Base Leveling (RBL); Customer Oriented Leveling Technique (COLT); and Proactive Demand Leveling (PDL). Manages and validates the Supply Discrepancy Report (SDR) program and semi-annually submits an SDR analysis report to NGB. Manages Supply Interface Systems files to ensure validation of customer and stock requirements. Oversees and controls in-transit shipments and transfers to the Defense Re-Utilization Marketing Office. Processes unclassified, classified and sensitive item shipments. Verifies serial numbers on serialized controlled assets as well as process serial number loads prior to GLSC shipments. Processes routine shipments to include lateral support and redistribution orders (RDO). Manages the customer due-out validation program. Processes force due-out releases for customer demands. Cancels customer due-outs when item is no longer required for mission effectiveness. Validates due-ins and reviews and updates status from source of supply. Processes special requisitions (SPR). Manages the issue exception code program. Manages the Tracer Action Reconciliation (TAR) program to ensure all property shipped is received and potentially lost shipments are recovered. Coordinates the special requirements flag "R" program with the GLSC. Validates assignment of Stockage Priority Codes (SPC). (2) Responsible for audit and control of all accountable supplies and equipment documentation. Performs quality control of transaction documents, identifies discrepancies, and coordinates with flight chiefs to correct the problems, and initiates reverse-post action when documentation errors are involved. Manages the delinquent documents program. Manages and files supply transaction reports per AFMAN 23-110. Researches computer document register to insure all transactions are processed. Identifies problems and trends, meets with flight chiefs to resolve difficulties, and recommends training. Responsible for managing the shipment suspense listing; coordinates with cargo movement element and central storage element to resolve discrepancies. Coordinates and maintains the personnel authorization listing for supply and support organizations for receipt of classified property. Maintains letters of authorization for customers to receive property and provide information, upon request, to the Supply Asset Tracking System (SATS) security administrator. Maintains copy of Forced Record Alteration (FIX) documentation. (3) Performs base level Records Maintenance functions. Responsible to validate locally assigned exception codes and override records for National Stock Numbers (NSNs) semi-annually. With the exception of issue exception codes and additions or deletions of exception codes, phrases or modifiers will be coordinated with GLSC prior to processing. Maintains an updated copy of the Organizational Effectiveness Report. Maintains and publish current delivery destination listing. Researches, prepares and processes inputs to add, change or delete organizational records for the host, satellite and geographically separated units. Conducts all research actions when customers are not allowed to process their own item record loads, repair cycle loads, changes or deletions. Performs item and part number detail record loads for local purchase and part numbered NSNs only. (4) Performs MICAP verification, report and process cannibalization actions for non-maintenance customers. Establishes, upgrade, downgrade or cancels MICAP due-outs. Processes local manufacture (LM) MICAPs and corrects discrepancies identified by the GLSC resulting from MICAP Enterprise Supply Solution (ESS) reconciliation. (5) For non-maintenance customers; establishes, maintains and deletes bench stocks in coordination with supported activities. For non-maintenance customers, reviews on-hand balances and processes replenishment actions. Upon coordination and agreement, the customer may assume the responsibilities for binning, inventory, etc. (Refer to Support Agreement Procedures for support of tenant activities). Schedules and conducts bench stock reviews with the organizations. (6) Responsible to periodically visit/contact all shops to discuss adequacy of support, resolve problems, provide/receive information or conduct informal training as necessary. (7) Conducts Demand Processing responsibilities for on/off base customer order requests. (8) Performs other duties as assigned. Requirements Conditions of Employment Qualifications MINIMUM MILITARY GRADE: E-1 MAXIMUM MILITARY GRADE: E-6 Your rank MUST be included somewhere within your resume. You must fully substantiate in your own words that you meet the requirements listed below. When explaining minimum requirements and specialized experience you must give examples. Do not copy from the vacancy announcement or the position description. Explain it in your own words and give examples to be considered for this vacancy. All personnel applying for this position who do not meet the minimum military grade requirement MUST provide the proper signed memorandum from your respective Military Personnel Office (MILPO for ARNG, FSS for ANG) to prove eligibility to obtain the required grade upon accepting the position. All personnel who exceed the maximum military rank must provide a memorandum explaining if selected for this position, you will accept an administrative reduction in rank. The memorandum must be submitted WITH your application to be considered for this position. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Experience, education, or training in a variety of operations or situations concerned with substance or content of supply actions, requiring ability to decide course of action to take, considering the circumstances or conditions encountered. Knowledge of basic or commonly applied rules, procedures, or operations such as, filling out, posting, filing, controlling, or coding documents and/or transactions. Experience using computer and automation systems. SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Must have 1-year specialized experience equivalent to at least the next lower grade. Knowledge of governing supply regulations, policies, procedures, and instructions applicable to the specific assignment. Experience conducting searches for required information; reconstruct records for supply transactions; and/or provide supply operations support for activities involving specialized or unique supplies, equipment, and parts. Experience performing various aspects of supply specialist work based on practical knowledge of standard procedures, where assignments include individual case problems related to segments in one or more major areas of supply management. Experience which required person-to-person contacts to convey information and ability to compile reports, letters, memoranda, etc. Consistent with the grade level determining duties in the position description, higher grade level specialized experience may include experience controlling supply stocks and accounting for equipment, cataloging, maintenance, and disposal procedures. Completing complex supply transactions; and/or providing supply operations support. Experience coordinating with other organizations on complex and controversial supply issues. Experience analyzing, developing, evaluating to improve supply programs, policies, procedures, techniques, etc. Knowledge on the entire inventory management supply system. Experience providing advice and guidance on supply regulations to upper levels of management regarding supply functions. Education There are no educational requirements for this position. Additional Information Permanent Change of Station: PCS funds are not available for this position. Incentives: Relocation and Recruitment Incentives may be authorized for this position. All WVNG positions are pending availability of resources and funds. DEFINITIONS FOR AREA OF CONSIDERATION Area 1: Current On-board Title 5 Employees and Title 32 Technicians (Tenure: 1- Permanent, 2-Conditional, 3-Indefinite) and Permanent AGR's in the West Virginia National Guard. Area 2: WVNG Army M-Day and Air Force DSG (Drill-Status Guardsmen,) Temporary Title 32 Technicians and Title 5 Employees, Temporary AGR (OTOT), and national guardsmen serving on Full-time National Guard Duty - Operational Support Orders (ADOS). Area 3: Current On-board Federal Employees (Tenure: 1-Career, 2-Conditional, 3-Indefinite) from another Federal Agency nationwide. Area 4: Federal re-employable eligible employees, National Guardsmen outside of the WVNG, and U.S Citizens willing to join the West Virginia National Guard as a condition of employment. Area 5: All U.S. Citizens.
Vacancy caducado!