Assemble and disassemble industrial and construction machinery
Repair broken or defective machine parts, using welding and brazing tools
Align equipment by using specialized tools (e.g. micrometer, plumb bobs)
Review and follow highly technical and complex machinery manuals
Transfer machines to several sites, either to install them or repair them
Disassemble machine parts when transporting or repairing them, and reassemble the parts
Collect and store distinct machinery parts
Collaborate with the team when using the machines
General Skills & Qualifications
High school diploma or equivalent, with demonstrated knowledge of math and/or science; Certification as a Millwright based on national standards is preferred
Proven experience as a Millwright or in a similar role
Hands-on experience with gearboxes, electric motors, drawings, precision measuring
Strong communication and computational skills
An eye for detail
Strong attention to detail and ability to multitask
Competitive wages
100% Paid Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance
Safe Harbor 401K (3%)
Life Insurance
Paid Vacation
Available Supplementary Insurance
Family Owned and Operated