Looking for sales reps with real sales experience.
If you can show me that you can pitch a script comfortably, naturally and know how to build rapport with clients…I’ll pay salary plus commission.
Interviews required. Training is ongoing.
If you’re brand new or you need more training, I’ll pay straight commission—with a few hundred week to get you by while you learn.
We sell rare coins, precious metals, and I need guys who can sell and be an extension of me and company.
As far as me, I’ve been a salesman in investment and finance for 20+ years, clients work with me because I’m natural, casual and thorough with information. I'm knowledgeable about my product and business and I can teach clients and I can teach you, easily.
If you know the ins-and-outs of sales half as well as I do, you would do fine, 2K a week plus.
If you need to get familiar with the sale you’ll do less, but only for a certain amount of time…
I’ll pay you what you’re worth. My lowest earning new rep that worked for 12 months earned 60+, first year.
Once you’ve learned this business the income potential is usually btw 70-400k. More clients more commissions.
Your clients will earn you a residual income as well. Open the new account and you’ll get paid on every sale made to that customer.
Average customer buys 5-10 times.
Below average 1-5
Above average customer buys 10-50+ times.
Call for more information.
In-Office Only.
No Telocummting.
JD Rarities Inc