Hi there! I’m looking to trade some maintenance/handyman work for room and board. I have a nice home and love to share it with people. I have a couple of roommates also. The house is near Yianni’s Taverna on the border of Lower Saucon and Allentown.
I could use help caring for chickens, some cleaning and minor house maintenance and projects, yard work in season. I would be looking for 15 hours in exchange for room and board and when I have extra money, I’m happy to pay out for additional work.
Prefer someone with experience with chickens and vegetable gardening. Definitely need someone who is clean, tidy and organized! I’m a 59 year old woman with impaired vision so I prefer someone with a drivers license.
If you’re still interested, reply and tell me a little about yourself and your experience ce and what your life situation is at this point.
Retiree would be perfect