Polk Youth Services, Inc. is a Therapeutic Foster Care Program based in Dallas, OR. The program serves youth ages 14-18 who have been referred by the Oregon Youth Authority. Youth live in Program contracted Foster Homes within our communities and attend public school.
Our goal is to provide these youth with a well supervised, supportive, stable and safe living environment. The Foster Home setting helps them learn appropriate behaviors to establish healthy relationships and make positive, life changing choices. We believe that every child deserves a chance to become a productive member of society.
The Foster Home offers the essentials of a positive family setting, including encouraging communication, guidance, skills building and support. The Foster Parents/Parent work closely with the Polk Youth Services team to help youth develop a sense of security, a positive self-image, and the necessary skills they will need to thrive.
We are currently looking for homes in Polk, Marion and Yamhill counties. Training and support are provided, and income earned is a tax-free stipend. Staff available 24/7, program has a Case Manager and Program Director that meets with youth and families weekly for support.
If you would like more information, please contact David Valencia at 503-932-6871 or email [email protected]