Contractors with valid OLCC marijuana workers permits needed for assisting with order fulfillment.
Looking for potential cannabis enthusiast to assist with minor amount of detail clean up with product that has been tumbled in a machine. Work is available year-round and full time. Current contractors are completing 4 - 5 pounds per work day. Farm location offers a facility with heating and air conditioning, tables and chairs. Break room use with fridge, freezer, multiple microwaves, and hot/cold water dispenser. Work days are Monday through Friday from 7am to 3:30pm. Contractors make their schedule with- in the open hours of the farm. Weekly bonus offer Complete 22 Lbs. (9,988 grams) from Monday - Friday and receive $100.00 bonus included with weekly pay.
-Able to perform consistently with production & at an expeditious pace.
-Able to identify mold
-Able to consistently follow the farms quality standards
-Able to work full-time with in the farms hours of operation
Must have self transportation and ability to commute to the Applegate area
-Able to work well with other contractors
Contractors are expected to maintain a good attitude and capable of working with ALL product, regardless of the quality.