I run an online bookstore that sells on Amazon on Ebay. We need a part time manager that can work between 25 and 30 hours a week. You may choose the days of the week that you work monday through friday.
Your tasks will include unpackaging books, organizing books, keeping track of stock, and boxing up shipments and packages to send off to Amazon.
This is a smaller operation: and we have only an owner that works part time and 1 other part time employee. Most of you work will be alone and independent in the warehouse where you report back your progress each day
We will give you bonus income and a higher wage if you have a car that you're willing to use to pickup our packages from the post office or usps. We get around 20-50 packages a day and it would be ideal to find someone that can pick those up along with the other responsibilities
The starting wage is 21. If you have a car for pickups we'll start you at 22. In the past I have started people at 20ish for this job and within 1 year end up at 25-27 with good work. As a smaller operation we do not provide benefits at the moment: just a flat pay
Looking for someone with a strong work ethic and a good communicator that doesn't mind the independent aspect of the work. We will run a background test upon hiring