Live On Ranch Premises - Ranch Work (Bend)
Housing avail for a qualified roommate worker on Private Equine Ranch.
One bedroom & bath with roommates (Foreman & Ranch Employee).
Must have Oregon License & own transportation.
All qualified applicants will be "background checked".
You would be mucking pastures, stocking hay, filling waters, bringing the horses in from pasture, feeding, fencing & other random ranch chores.
Would love someone with horse experience, but willing to train the right person.
Must be able to lift a 100 pound bale of hay.
Student, Veterans & or people in recovery welcome. Just be honest with us.
Trade for housing privileges. Earn $18 while you go to school or have another PT job. Qualified person will have a two week trial period to be sure we & you are a fit for this amazing position, including our Clients and daily activities.