Join our easy to get along with team members handling administrative functions and clerical duties at Trailer Wholesale NW in Terrebonne. Check out our website:
Your duties would include answering the phones, getting calls routed to the appropriate personnel and greeting customers. You would be handling Quick Books entries, inventory control, cashiering, maintaining files and anything that helps the team out.
MUST be a decent typist, have a solid understanding of computer use and navigation. A good familiarity with the Microsoft Office Suite, to include Word and Excel are sought. If you have fundamental office skills, we are happy to train the rest. A smart phone is now required for everyday professional life; it is assumed you come with one.
Trailer Wholesale NW operates Tuesday – Friday (9 AM – 5:30 PM) and Saturday (9 AM – 4 PM). Some holidays are observed with paid time off. Medical insurance, 401K and more benefits are available. Flexible hours are available and there is room to grow. We have competitive pay commensurate with your knowledge and skills.
Come work for Trailer Wholesale NW. We are a tight knit group. You must be reliable as our team counts on you and you can count on us.
You can call Mike directly at Five 03-46Seven-860Zero for an interview or email your resume (mike AT