Hi, I'm Juliet, I'm a recruiter looking for sales pros to work with a great company making a ton of !
Literally thousands of customers are calling everyday from our advertisements, looking to buy one of our above-ground pools. Lucky for our sales pros, we pre-approve all of our customers' credit before we book their appointment, so when you show up, they are pre-approved for the loan and ready to buy that day! Not only do we schedule your approved appointments for you, but we also pay $25 for every appointment you run and successfully complete the 90-minute product presentation! Can you say gas and snacks?! You're welcome!
Our lead generation department works hard to provide you with 2-3 pre-approved appointments everyday, and even if you're just an average closer (no worries), you'll close at least 40-50% of each appointment you run! Say WHAT?! That's 4-6 sales per week times an average commission of $600-$800 PER SALE, plus bonuses, that's at least $2500-$3500 PER WEEK. You ready to call me yet? 614-758-7877.
This position begins IMMEDIATELY, so you must be willing to start this Wednesday or this Sunday, not next week, next month, or next year. The season is NOW. If you're willing to start this Wednesday or Sunday and are available to work FULL TIME, call me today! 614-758-7877.
This is an awesome sales opportunity, but spots are limited so I can only hire the most qualified sales reps who can start immediately. There is no other current opportunity in this market to make this kind of money-you don't have to pay anything, everything is given to you! We set up your appointments, give you gas money, and train you! Say less, why are you still reading? Call me! 614-758-7877.
Let's set up a phone interview, get you started, and get you that !
CALLS ONLY-if for some reason I don't answer, leave a message. No texts.