STAFFZONE specializes in Commercial Construction Staffing! We are not only helping CONSTRUCT BUILDINGS, We are helping CONSTRUCT LIVES!
STAFFZONE is looking for EXPERIENCED Equipment OPERATORS and EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS to start on Construction job sites from Rock Hill, to Fort Mill to Chester SC.
Pre-Employment Screenings:
Must have a valid Picture ID, with a Social Security Card, a Birth certificate or a US Passport.
All Heavy Equipment Operators must have valid heavy equipment certification.
All Carpenters who are applying MUST HAVE THEIR OWN TOOLS.
Must have excellent verbal and communication skills.
Please call or visit our Rock Hill SC Office location for more information. Come in to apply.
855 Saluda St.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
P: 803-992-1244 or 803-327-9663
ASK 4 Daisy!