We are looking for a small cleaning company or sole proprietors that would like to earn great money for Spring/Summer/Fall House Cleanings at a camp in Inlet, NY. The job will consist of being responsible for the cleaning of 6 houses that are all on the same property. These will be vacation rental cleanings to keep the house looking great in between guests. We have continuous cleanings from Mid May until Mid October. We offer a per house price of $200. Each house should take 2 people about 1.5 hours to clean.
When summer season starts (June 21 - September 1) the cleanings are weekly on Saturdays. The hours would be from 10am to 3pm every Saturday. The pay for those Saturdays would be $1,200. Minimum of 4 people required for every Saturday.
Please send your information and qualifications if interested in the job. Established cleaning company preferred.