Brooklyn base car & limo hiring the Tlc licence driver with Tlc car. This job is on demand job and preschedule trips. You can work whenever you need a trip. We are covering over 1000 jobs per day. We working with Arro, Sentry, CTG, Myle, Medicaid job.
All under one roof.
1) Come to our office.
2) Bring Tlc licence, Dmv license and Tlc car paperwork.
3)Regester for drug test with us.
4) Download our app (Android / IPhone)
5) Start making money
we are working 7 days a week.
You could make between between $1300-$3000 a week.
The income depend on hrs you worked.
Part time is availabe too.
8510 Bay 16 st 2fl
Brooklyn, NY 11214