Hi, thank you for your inquiry in the atm locator position.
This is exactly what we are accepting. In NYC, the five boroughs we want, night clubs bars lounges strip clubs, evnet venus, and cash only locations. This is what we want in the NYC area.
In NJ, we only accept nightclubs and strip clubs. Nothing else is accepted in NJ.
When you have an owner of a location ready for our services, we need the owners contact info to confirm. This means their CELL PHONE NUMBER ONLY TO CONTACT THEM.
We will call them and decide if the location is accepted if we accept the location we set up the ATM in 48 hours as soon as the ATM is set up we pay you $500-$5000 per location we will decide the amount based on the quantity of the location.
Night clubs are $500-$1000
Strip clubs are
Everything else is $500, and up we won't pay you less than $500 per location.
If you have any more questions, please visit the website or text or call to discuss.
Remember, we only accept cellphone numbers to speak with the owner. There are no business numbers it must be their cellphone phone number to speak with them.
Thank you