TO APPLY: submit resume w/education, brief cover letter including cleaning experience, and your daily availability.
Event space seeks experienced, hardworking Saturday night cleaner. Shifts are 2-5 hours, depending on number of cleaners, party size, complexity of set-up, and speed at which cleaners move.
Shifts generally start between 10pm and 12am, and end between 1am and 3am. Saturday night is mandatory. Occasional Fridays and Saturday afternoons may be available.
Must be fluent in written and spoken English. Job instructions are written and spoken English.
Must be physically fit, quick, work independently within prescribed timeframe. Have ability to carry tables up and down stairs. Due to stairs, this doesn't usually work for smokers.
Must be willing to train for all positions (bar, server, door) and willing to fill in when needed.
Cell phone addicts need not apply.