Qualifications & Credentials
Ø Driver’s license
Ø 3+ years of landscape construction experience
Ø Medium equipment training
Ø Safety training
Ø Most Speak and write English
Duties & Responsibilities
Ø Supervise small crew of 1-3 men managing landscape construction crew
Ø Communicate with Project Manager
Ø Maintain company standards
Ø Provide safe work environment for co-workers
Ø Basic client contact
Skills Exhibited
Ø Communication with management and other crew members
Ø Problem solving
Ø Organization
Ø Navigation (map reading)
Ø Attendance is a must
Ø Should have some mechanical skills
Ø Learning
Ø Leadership
Ø Landscape
Ø Assemble items for work
Ø Evaluate crew
Supervisory Responsibility
o Crew of 1-3 men
How will this job be measured?
o Amount of time to complete job
o Daily productivity
o Quality of work
o Selection of crew