I need somebody to deliver Newsday newspapers 7 DAYS A WEEK in the early morning.
You will be delivering individual newspapers to customer's homes.
There are no collections involved.
You will pick up your papers EVERY morning between 12 AM and 3 AM, you will bag your papers, and then deliver your paper's to the customer's homes.
… most importantly the job is 7 DAYS A WEEK rain or shine.
You will be an independent contractor so a1099 will be issued at the end of the year. The tips that the customer's provide will not be on your 1099.
You would be responsible to have a RELIABLE car and a backup if need be
You will get paid approximately $1 per customer per week plus the gratuity that the customer will provide. The better the service you provide the better your tips will be.
The route that I have available right now is approximately 250 customers, therefore you would make approximately $300 to $450 per week.
If you are SERIOUSLY interested please get back to me at [email protected].
thank you.