Looking for an Independent High School or College Student to help with a project!
Looking for a student or individual who needs a part-time/side job and wants to make a little extra cash that can help me with a project. This person needs to be familiar with how to upload, update, and scan new pictures for me on my websites that needs to be recreated and my other multi-media platforms updated. This person has to completely understand how the network and domains work for the websites.
Help me combine all my Web pages under one Host eventually.
I prefer that this person lives nearby in the neighborhood and does not have to travel far. This person must have their own transportation and can come to help me when I call you or be flexible with their time.
I'm asking that you email me your resume and tell me a little about yourself (Include your phone number), tell me what you are studying, and tell me your hours at school so I can know if you are a candidate for me and I can schedule you around my schedule and accommodate yours. Also, please tell me what side of town you live on
AGAIN, THIS IS JUST A PROJECT, not a Monday through Friday job!
Serious inquiries only