This is a trucking company who is looking for a helper to assist with deliveries with the driver. This position requires that you meet in or somewhere close to Fort Lee, NJ. You will need a resume with some type of similar experience and proof of a state ID that is valid, and a social security card or a TIN #. If you cannot provide these 3 items, then please do not waste your time. We have an orientation/training that you will need to complete, and not to worry our HR department will assist with all questions.
This is a 1099 NEC contractor position, meaning you are not a W2/W4 employee, and cannot qualify for unemployment, so if this is your scam, do NOT contact us. There are times when we are extremely busy, and if there is work, you will be asked to work. This is a part time 1099 NEC but many weeks it can be up to 35 + hours a week. There is chance for growth as a driver in this company if you have the right qualifications, along with the right attitude. A photo ID and SS card or TIN card will need to be submitted via email prior to any training or hiring. This is NOT negotiable Please do NOT ask. Please contact Mary Lopez at the number below. Send text messages for initial contact. if you answer the questions correctly, then we will set up an in-person interview. There is a 1-day tryout training at a pay of $120.00 paid either Zelle or CashApp, if you think this is a good fit for both the owner and yourself, then you will be hired as Part-Time possible FT at a rate of $130.00 flat rate per day. Thank you for reading.
Mrs. M. Lopez