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eCaregivers is an online platform empowering you to be in control over your work experience. Easily find full-time, part-time time, or per diem jobs with local families and/or care businesses. Companions, CHHAs, CNAs, RNs, LPNs, and PT/ST/OTs welcome!
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Benefits of using eCaregivers:
-100% FREE to Join.
-Set Your own hours & availability.
-Set Your own desired pay rate.
-Choose between 1099 jobs, W2 jobs, or both.
-Easily apply to jobs with one-click.
-Phone or Video Interview from the comfort of your home.
-Receive pay as quickly as 72 hours after each shift.
-Easily clock-in & clock-out on your phone.
-Easily update client's family on Daily Care Plans.
-Set Your own travel preferences.
-Hourly, Live-In, and Per Diem jobs available.
-Be protected with Insurance Coverages when working privately!
-Receive text/email alerts about new job postings near you.
-Set up Back Up Care network with trusted colleagues.
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eCaregivers is reinvesting in New Jersey, so stay alert for brand new job opportunities. BOOST your profile to the top of Search Results by running a FREE Basic Criminal Background Check! To learn more about eCaregivers, visit
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