Looking for full time employee.
Assistant to owner of company.
- Some construction experience
- Ability to work 8am-4pm
- English fluency
- Zero drug problems. We test
- Zero drama
- Ability to show up on time every day. If you are late more than 1 day in a month, you are fired
- Flexible with tasks. Tasks include
- Clean up of sites
- Lifting materials
- Pick up material/suppliers from suppliers
- Report to owner on progress on job
- Report to owner on manpower on job
- Meet with vendors/sub on projects
- Deliver paperwork to designers/architects
- Collect timesheets from other employees
- Full time W2 job
- If you do not own a pair of construction boots, do not apply
- Assist in house carpenters with actual work
- Reliable transportation. Local travel will be required during the day. 10 mile max
Not necessary for role but benefit
- Own pick up truck
- Have experience with power tools
- Computer skills
Fast growing company. Sky is the limit fir the right person.
If you are interested. Reply with resume, or description of past/relevant work, picture of yourself and why you think you will be good for this role.
Include salary requirements