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American Heritage Partners, a Nevada based 501(c) (3) is looking for an Operations Manager
Main duties:
Manage AHP’s contacts database
Working with our V.P. Operations, post content to AHP’s online sites (website, Facebook, X, YouTube, and other social media platforms); format and post weekly “blog”
Post content to third-party social media sites, “like” other organizations on social media, monitor activity on social media, and circulate a weekly summary of results
Recommend new social media platforms, and evaluate costs of same
Review website content of target organizations, and identify upcoming events of interest; create a weekly summary of new events that may be of interest to AHP
Identify key contact people at target organizations, obtain contact information, and recommend them to the Board for inclusion in our ongoing activities; update contact information on a regular basis, at least twice a year.
Assist with AHP’s development of marketing and advertising materials, and work with vendors (brochures, banners, gifts, medals, shirts, etc.)
Track local and regional civic, educational, and entertainment events; identify opportunities for AHP to advertise or co-sponsor, and obtain info on potential costs
Communicate with representatives of our partner organizations on potential collaborations
Receive and review communications from members of the public; respond to inquiries in a timely fashion, and escalate to members of the Board as appropriate
Attend quarterly meetings of the AHP Board, and prepare any reports requested by the Board
Optional duties may include:
Assist with event planning, including tech support, and attend events
Assist in recruiting and training additional staff
Occasional travel
Training and Compensation:
To carry out these duties, the Operations Manager shall be provided with such office and computer equipment and supplies as needed to carry out his/her duties, subject to Board approval. AHP will reimburse the Operations Manager for any technical training needed to carry out the job duties described above, if approved in advance by the Treasurer.
The Operations Manager shall be all times be deemed to be an independent contractor, and shall receive an annual Form 1099. No other benefits such as health insurance or pension benefits are included in the position. AHP will reimburse the Office Manager for expenses reasonably incurred in carrying out his or her duties; documentation for such expenses shall be submitted to the Treasurer for approval prior to reimbursement.
The Operations Manager shall be paid $20 an hour, payable on the third business day of the month. The Operations Manager shall keep a time sheet of hours spent on the job, including a general description of the time spent, which will be provided to the Treasurer at the end of each month. The Operations Manager is expected to spend a minimum of 50-60 hours a month on the job.
Vacancy caducado!