We are May Lawn and are hiring for summer positions. I'm glad you found us! This will be 25 years in the landscaping industry for us and are looking forward to a great summer. If you enjoy the outdoors, working in sunshine, and moving your body, this might be a good fit for you. Here is what this position will entail.
Landscape Maintenance:
Working Monday through Thursday (4x10) so you can enjoy a 3 day weekend for summer adventures
Running hedgers/backpack blowers/walker mowers and many other types of machinery.
Learning and introductory to perennial, annual, shrub, and tree knowledge and how to hand prune/machine prune each.
Learn how to operate a Walker brand mower and understanding different mowing techniques
Understanding backpack blowing (yes this is actually a thing :) and how to perform on different properties
Using different hand tools and how each are used
Advanced learning, if desired, of chainsaw operation
When we onboard we will be having a 3 day in-depth training to start us out. From there you will work with a team lead and can fine tune your knowledge and training throughout the season! This is a physical, but rewarding job position. Requiring lifting, on your feet for multiple hours, and working in different seasonal environments.
We strive to have a team environment, encouraging each other, and supporting each other! We hope you will give us a shout and hopefully come and join! Thank you for checking us out!