6-hole Short Course with a Sports Field nestled within a 1700 acre development, minutes from Glacier National Park. Mountain scenery and abundant wildlife surround the layout. The Homestead encompasses a true Montana experience through the tree lined course molded around a creek and natural topography. The turf season runs from April through October.
The selected candidate will be expected to perform any and all maintenance tasks throughout the season. Qualified applicants should possess a minimum of three years golf course maintenance experience. The individual must be driven, with the ability to diagnose problems and troubleshoot all aspects of turf maintenance. Strong communication skills with the ability to adapt to changing work conditions are crucial for success. All candidates should possess a valid Driver’s License.
Job Description/ Expectations:
Daily golf course and sports field maintenance (mowing; irrigating; cup setting; field prep)
Ability to troubleshoot/repair/program irrigation
Head projects, keep employees on task, set and meet project deadlines
Scout the property for hazards/problem areas
Coordinate schedules with Management
Work 5 days/week; average 40 hour work weeks (April thru October)
Vacations/ Time off requests need to be kept to ‘non’ peak season months
Minimum Requirements:
Valid Driver’s License; Transportation
3 years’ experience in golf course maintenance