Now Hiring for Apartment cleaner
Job duties : Deep cleaning for Move in/Move outs
You must clean kitchen , bedrooms ,living room , bathrooms, window seals and window blinds , cabinets, drawers , closet, baseboards, utility closets, all appliances must be clean inside and out and behind appliances, countertops , hood vents over oven , must sweep and mop all floors .
Must have experience, transportation
Must have your own cleaning supplies such
As :
Shop vac , mop and mop bucket
Magic erasers
Steel wool
Sos pads
Broom and dust pan
No swiffer must have a mop
Bathroom cleaner
Kitchen cleaner
Oven cleaner
Wood polish for furniture and cabinets
Step stool
Hours are part time 10 -20 hrs a week
We only have 2 positions only this job wont last long !
Call TMC CLEANING SERVICES at 417-324-5409