My name is Benjamin. I am the owner of Devotion Real Estate Solutions.
We are local here in Jackson.
The company essentially does the following.
Buy & Sell Real Estate.
Conduct Home Renovation.
Home Building. (Not currently building. It's a goal)
2025 will be dedicated to growing the business in Jackson county.
We also partner with investors for investment renovation.
We are looking for individuals as well as sub contractors.
Seeking people who understand the following abilities.
1. Carpet Installation.
2. Laminate Flooring.
3. Tile Flooring.
3. Interior/Exterior Painting.
4. Baseboard, Trim.
5. Tile Showers
6. Cabinet, Vanity installation.
7. Exterior Siding.
8. Exterior Trim.
9. Kitchen installation
10. Bath installation.
Please send a text with the following. Easy to copy and paste. Consider it a application.
Reliable Transportation: Y/N
Sub Contrator: Y/N
Individual Y/N
Description of abilities:
Expected pay:
It's not expected that you write a book here. But please take the time and let us know how you can help us through renovation.
We are looking for hardworking dedicated people. We built this company on integrity and deliver results for our clients & partners.
Thank you.