Looking for a self-motivated part-time in person Bookkeeper for our clinic! We need someone who can work 20-30 hours a week with flexibility. You get to choose the day (or days) to work between 9am and 4pm Mon, Wed and Thurs or between 9 and 3 on Tues. & Fri. We require someone who is reliable, punctual, professional in appearance and manner, and great at multi-tasking. You must have at least 4+ years of experience as a bookkeeper, and the most important aspect of the job is being well-versed in QuickBooks. We use QuickBooks for everything, including paying bills, doing Payroll, Quarterly taxes, and forwarding required documents to our CPA. Additionally, you should be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and social media. This is a temp/part-time position. Come join our team at JUMP-IN THERAPY & Wellness!
Please email resume or fax to 810-231-9043.