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Grandmother of 5 needs help caring for a 4,8,11,14,and 16 year old.
as simple as being present and assisting in household chores, laundry, meal prep, bathing and dressing children, helping get them into bed, reading stories, helping them get to doctor and dentist visits, rides back and forth to camp and preschool. This is a fun but traumatically bonded bunch of siblings that are running grandma ragged. lots of in home support from cso, chd, and youth villages, i just need a mothers helper seven days a week. salary to be discussed ie your available hours. Need to be fun loving, trauma informed perhaps with an artistic bent. could hire two people . desirable hours are at least 6 am to 8 am then 5 to 8pm weekdays. daytime hours would be help around the house, housekeeping household chores, weekends 9 to 9 pm. thats when i need the most help. experience with adhd a help as well. these are bright , talented children. these kids are in recovery. Healing takes time. I need someone to help on an ongoing basis, to help them get back to normal childhood functioning. all enrolled in school. must be able to pass a cori and a sori. salary comensurate with experience and education.any visiting nurse experience a plus.
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