The Manager of Marketing (MM)/Marketing Team Leader (MTL) collaborates closely with the Publisher to formulate and implement strategic processes for growing the PBM/FSP apostolate to reach the most people with the Gospel message using the most modern and effective means of communication. The MM/MTL advocates for consistent, clear, branded messaging promoting PBM/FSP in print and digital media. By continually studying and updating on trends, Catholic content creators, marketing and sales strategies, and best practices, the MM/MTL fosters a working climate for collaborative creation of excellent content.
REPORTS TO: the Publisher
COLLABORATES WITH: Editorial, Design, Sales, Shipping, Production, Studios, Webstore, Administration, Book Center Managers, Mission Advancement, National Vocation Office
Manage, oversee, and drive projects to on-time, on-budget, and on-objective completion
Drives implementation of marketing strategy
Maintains calendar of marketing events/initiatives
Fosters customer relations on the trade and consumer levels
Coordinates efforts of all Marketing team members:
Working to create and implement marketing strategies to increase the reach and impact of PBM productions
Ensures each team member understands team goals and how their work contributes to reaching these goals
Calls and facilitates weekly marketing team meetings, involving onsite and offsite team members equally
Collaborates with other publishing house departments and the publisher:
Participates in the Product Development Cycle in order to give marketing perspectives and insight into potential and new titles and media projects
Coordinates marketing design needs/workflow in communication with Design Manager
Coordinates online marketing of PBM titles with Webstore Manager
Meets with Publisher and Editorial manager regularly in order to coordinate efforts
Attends monthly publishing house manager meetings, called by the Publisher
Spearheads annual Publishing House Visioning Meeting in the first quarter of the year
Involving members of the marketing team
In communication with the publisher and other managers
Spearheads annual Publishing House Check-In Meeting in the third quarter of the year, to verify progress on goals and action items set at Visioning
Involving members of the marketing team
In communication with the publisher and other managers
Creates marketing budget, in communication with publisher and subject to admin and provincial approval, and tracks marketing expenses throughout the year
Utilizes feasibility reports, runs marketing analyses, and makes use of other reports at the service of the PBM team
Ensures integrated and goal-aligned promotional and brand messaging of PBM/FSP through regular communication with publisher, Mission Advancement, National Vocation Office, webstore, book centers.
Collaborates in overseeing PBM presence and promotions at national tradeshows
Collaborates on and oversees the costs of promotion and branding, and analyzes trends in customer spending
Responsible for managing and overseeing digital efforts including analysis, lead generation, social media, website, and affiliated web platforms.
Strong understanding of Catholic faith required
Experience in the book publishing industry preferred
Experience of traditional and new marketing strategies
Proficiency in principles of advertising and promotional design
Ability to understand and coordinate an integrated marketing and sales strategy
Ability to monitor costs, budgets, feasibilities, and strategies in view of sustainable growth
Facilitate and participate in collaborative work within deadlines
Receive and implement information from feedback and criticism
Motivate, mentor, and learn from team members
Work with team to set, implement, and evaluate strategic goals and calendars
Delegate and coordinate key functions needed to effectively implement promotional strategies
Create, analyze, adjust spreadsheets, schedules, procedures, processes
Analyze effectiveness and adjust promotional strategies and assets based on
larger visual and written brand narrative