Part-time Senior Care PCA work in Belmont, MA 02478
I live in my own single-family home with the assistance of two or three part-time personal care assistants (PCAs). There is a cat in the house cared for by others. Although I am retired from my corporate job, I work from home in my own little consulting business.
I enjoy watching action movies on my home theatre set-up. Besides that, I enjoy getting out of the house in good weather. I like to email with friends and surf the world news online.
Green card or work permit required. Driver’s license preferred.
I am wheelchair-active indoors and outdoors in a power wheelchair with a joystick control.
I currently have a daytime personal care gap on some weekdays and weekends between 3:00 pm and 11:00 pm. The regular weekly schedule will depend on applicant’s availability, so please contact me directly at: [email protected]. Or leave a message on my business land line: 617-489-1009. (I am an individual consumer, not a broker.) Email me to tell me more about yourself and ask for more details about this opportunity.