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Heatmizer is looking for new team members
Heatmizer, the leading home insulation company in Southern Maine, needs to expand the team, to answer the growing demand. We are an official Efficiency Maine member and we want to keep improving the life of our customers when they are home.To reach our goals, we need new members to our team that has similar values to us.
“ Keep all our promises “ is our motto. We need hardworking, respectful, honest, and punctual people to welcome to our family.
We work in private homes: Background check and screening is required.
Please send your resume to us
Team Members
Responsibility Standard
Fit to work Work efficiently, carefully and fast as you have been thought by your supervisor.
Be on Time Be on time to your shift. If you will not be able to make it on time make sure your supervisor knows it. If you can not make it on that day, let your supervisor know far in advance, try to find one of your co-workers cover the shift for you. We need to make sure that somebody is covering your shift.
Training Attend to your general trainings and on the job training by your supervisor.
Time management Be efficient during your shift. Be a part of the team and don't wait for anyone to tell you what to do next. Take action and use that time to do what needs to be done.
Cleaning Please clean everything before and after you leave your shift, respect your co-workers, Leave everything as you want to find it yourself. We sell services. Cleanness and tidiness is crucial. Our mistakes can cause harm to our customers and staff.
Coordination Communication is the key. We all have to be very clear with our communication. Make sure your supervisor or co-workers understands what you want to tell. If you don’t understand your tasks, please ask it again until it is clear.
Communication Please be mindful about the communication with our customers. Use your skills to talk to them as you are thought. It is one of our key strengths to properly talk to our customers and co-workers, it is a part of Heatmizer Experience.
Follow-up with your supervisor. Please let your supervisor know if there are any issues or problems during your shift. If anything is not proper with any machine, tool or other equipment - material. If you think it is an emergency, please call ASAP.
Contributing to data Please make sure you talk about our web page and customer club. The more we can explain the more it is likely to do some future business with them, when they are ready, Try to make them fill out our communication forms.
Company Culture Work on improving the Heatmizer Culture, professional company management and institutional Heatmizer setup.
Personal Improvement Follow all related literature related to your job and own expansion. Be prepared to handle more responsibility and further advancement in our company.
New Projects Team members should work on additional projects given by the Supervisor.
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