Vacancy caducado!
Coastline Cleaning LLC -Brunswick, Maine
We're a residential cleaning company that services Bath, Brunswick, Topsham, West Bath, and Freeport areas.
We offer paid travel time, Paid time off, paid sick days. No weekends.
You have the ability to pick your recurring schedule. (operating hours Mon-Fri 8am-5pm) Must work a minimum of 3 days per week. You can choose full or part time.
Our main focus is recurring (weekly, biweekly, monthly) customers so you can get to know them and become familiar with cleaning their homes. We believe in forming relationships and giving back to people around the community. We meet biweekly for team meetings to stay in touch at our office on Maine St. Brunswick. Your work would be a combination of independent cleaning and working on a team.
We supply all the needed equipment and provide training.
Applicants must have access to: A reliable vehicle, a smartphone to access our app, a washing machine to clean rags after each day.
2 steps to apply:
1st: Please email us a resume.
2nd: Complete our application here:
Vacancy caducado!