Thank you for reading this advertisement!
First - please know that I do not want your resume - and, I am not seeking someone with experience who already knows what to do here. You need to be 100% willing to be trained to do the work my way. The work is learning Indoor Cannabis farming, year-round with one breakdown and heavy clean up per year (or two).
This is an ad for a new trainee, someone that wants to learn. If you currently residence already within the Nation's Capitol, sorry but you do not qualify. You must relocate to D.C. I will get you here.
You need to examine my ad, and determine if you would like to learn this work, under these terms; terms are non-negotiable. We are making a deal between the two of us. I have chosen Kansas to place this ad, as it remains one state that is still behind the ball, on legal Cannabis. Also, I'd like someone from outside of "The Swamp," with some experience living in the real-world where hardwork is still performed and respected; I'd also like someone with work ethic.
Again, if you are living in or near Washington D.C. now, this is not for you. I posted this in Kansas, for good reason, ok; again, this is a RELOCATION deal. I'll get you out here. You will go through some interviews, before we bring you out.
No experience in the Cannabis or in Private Investigations and Surveillance and Security, are necessary; but you should have interest in both, if this is for you. You will be trained in fully operating the residence - which includes surveillance and security of the residence. This takes some learning and also work and a set schedule; again, you need to be dedicated and willing to learn.
I am going to work to start a Foundation (if you wish to know more about such an entityplease look it up), here in Washington D.C. (this location is necessary for obvious reasons). You (READ THIS PART TWICE PLEASE) may also recall our current President and members of his current Administration, referring to D.C. as, "The Swamp " This is for very good reason. Hence, I am spending money on this ad, posting OUTSIDE OF THE SWAMP; please know you do not qualify if you reside in Washington D.C. The Foundation is for exposing egregious abuses of power in Law Enforcement, in the Intelligence Community, the Judiciary, the Federal Bureau of Investigation; I would also like to take on cases to free wrongfully convicted and the innocents stuck "Inside."
I am completing a degree program and intending to attend Law School. You will come in and operate the residence; by the time I start, you will be trained well. The first funding endeavor which I will undertake, will be starting a Legal Cannabis Company.
An additional endeavour will involve another team member who you will likely share a bunkroom with. Your position is as an Indoor Cannabis Farmer and on-site Security/Surveillance, Trainee; and, you will settle in as the Residence Caretaker. This is also a highly private position; you will live and work in close proximity with me, full time, all the time, for the initial 6-8mo.or a bit longer.
You pay $0.00 in rent in exchange for your time and effort. Your long-term operations will be operating a new and legally compliant Indoor Cannabis Farm, AND, conducting security and surveillance work for the residence site itself and according to my methods. I will train you to reside at my property and to take on surveillance and security operations at the site. The work is regimented and demanding but also is fun, and the potential for earnings is reflected in what you see in the Cannabis Industry. Your earnings will be based on percentages of every harvest, several per year.
To begin, your pay is your room and your board and your training. Also as a part of your duties - you will work with me EVERY DAY for prepping one daily meal (dinners); we eat together daily as part of the routine. There's no exceptions here; however, once we bring on our next team member, prep and grocery duties are shared. After about 6-12 mo., when first inventory is well-cured, and sales begin to take place, you will receive 30% (+/-) of the total profit from each and every harvest, and going forward. No, this won't be a tiny rinky-dink thing where we do tiny ops, but also won't be any multi-million dollar, illicit grow.
Currently seeking a full-time, live in Trainee, for a highly private, but 100% Legal, Indoor Cannabusiness - and for training for, and conducting the on-site Security and Surveillane - you will be trained in Indoor Cannabis Growing, within a high privacy-focused and super quiet, low-key startup. You will also be well-trained in cannabis laws, and in security, surveillance. Remember, if you're already experienced, this is NOT FOR YOU. This is for a newbie without any experience. Your training will take place over the course of about 1 year (or even less), before actual funds start coming to you; before this, you will receive room, board, training, meals, more training, shared cannabis will be available in moderation. You will live in, and assist directly with commencement of operations, day to day living and the residence care-taking. You must be ready to dedicate and stay busy as required. During this time, you reside in house, you will have a room (one more person will also bunk in the same room with you), your food and utilities and rent are all taken care of here - yet, obviously, you'll need to relocate and shift your residency to DC, there's no room to budge here and you'll have a DC ID, period.
You cannot do this, plus a job; remember also, that I don't want your resume. I will select candidates and interview to selection. I will have a 3-4 person team put together; you will be first, and your duties are Cannabis and Surveillance-Security (performed using equipment - not brute force - you are not security guard. See Below, for more important details
You must lose your smartphone/cellphone, as none are allowed, period, at this residence/facility; residence will be valued at about a $3000 per month, good condition. You will have access to internet, comms, but via Ethernet cable and a device located within the home. The property will not be junky; part of your training will be communications protocols at the facility, and as lead grower. You will be trained to, and then be expected to, operate the entire property. Your profits come when ours come - once we get you trained and cycling harvests and our marketing and sales teammate sets us up our clients.
Hardship Applicants considered firstformerly incarcerated and finally off parole/probation? Are you still on paper and a model consumer? Cannabis felonies resulted in your inability to find work? Were you injured and experienced homelessnes? Have you struggled with something or some issue that you are ready to overcome now? You're unique hardship is your responsibility to articulate.
Again, I am working to complete a degree, and to apply to law school; you will reside with me as "cannabis caretaker/caregiver." This is a definite full time commitment. You will be trained at/within the residence and as my personal assistant and cannabis caretaker; and, you will also be trained to maintain electronic surveillance of the residential property, to know and understand cannabis laws in detail (if you already know all of thisthis is NOT for you). You will be trained in indoor cannabis growing. In addition, you will be tasked with high maintenance housekeeping and cleaning detail; this is not a simple task as the home must be kept in good order and be always very, very clean for plants; lastly, and until I find our additional team member, you (also) will be tasked with working with me for day to day meal prep and grocery detail. We must eat breakfast and lunch are coffee, fruits, oats, levtovers, more independent -we break bread for supper each day. This is a highly regimented deal; you will have virtually no personal time for 6-10 months. After the LEGAL cannabis growing is set, and cycled, and I have the next team member in and operating, you will have an assessment/review. Please be sure you are interested before reaching out.
Everything is supplied and paid for (location, equipment, power, etc.). I am going to build a foundation; please know and understand that this is NOT FOR CRIMINAL, ILLICIT CANNABIS; this is for LEGAL CANNABIS. I SAY THIS AGAIN - if you are already experienced and know all about cannabis and sales, etc. - THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. We will be following the laws, plant counts, and we will strive to produce profit (also) legally - so again, I am NOT SEEKING someone experienced as this will not be illicit sales. Once we get started and processing, I'll have a second trainee come in, for the next endeavor under the foundation AND FOR marketing and market research/analysis and entrance. Again also, IF YOU ALREADY LIVE IN DC, DON'T CONTACT ME PLEASE AS IT WASTES BOTH OF OUR TIMES.
I don't want a resume; read this whole ad, and if still interested, then respond as requested (NO RESUMES). You will relocate to Washington D.C.; I will get you here. There's plenty of bleeding heart "social justice" types here; I'd like someone who understands what hard work really is. There is a reason why I don't want someone already residing in D.C. I am also (mostly) a Trump supporter - which is not typical here in "The Swamp" - and although I puff daily, and am against the Death Penalty, I'd like someone who has some level of conservative or libertarian ideals. If you are anti-religion, this also won't be for you. Religious pictures and displays are in home; I practice my faith, and attend church. Again, I also puff toughand don't press this belief on you. Again, first priority goes to hardship cases; this is your responsibility to detail. Your first 6-10 months are highly compartmented within and to and from the home; you will be very busy, learning, helping with daily meals, etc. Once I start Law School, you will be more independent.
NO SMARTPHONE, NO CELLPHONES, allowed. NO HARD DRUGS PERMITTED. Beer & Wine allowed; NO HARD LIQUOR. Internet access provided, LOCAL TV ONLY available in home. Indoor Cannabis Trainee. Room and Board and Training; percentage of profit. Highly Compartmented, all equipment ready.
NOW THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS ADIF YOU ARE INTERESTEDPlease set up a new proton mail email addresssend it to me in your reply to start interview process.